Symposiums are 90 minutes sessions that include between three and five scientific papers addressing a common theme. Each symposium has a named Chair/Convenor who is responsible for ensuring that the contributors attend the conference. The scientific papers included in the Symposium proposal may be authored by an individual or by a group. In cases where there is more than one author, one person should login and register as Author 1, and then add all the other authors as Author 2, Author 3., … The Symposium proposal needs to indicate who will act as Chair/Convenor.
The Chair/Convenor will be the person with whom communication will be established, and it is their responsibility to liaise with the rest of co-authors. The Chair/Convenor will be also in charge of completing the online form including selecting the preferred theme and indicating the second preferred theme matching the paper's contribution. If you are unable to find a suitable theme to submit your proposal, then please use the ‘Open session’ category.
The person acting as Chair/Convenor is responsible for submitting the following (all in one document):
An abstract (maximum 300 words) that describes the theme of the symposium.
The shorter abstracts for each of the papers included in the proposed symposium (maximum 150 words for each contribution with name of the author(s), title of the presentation and content).
The length should not exceed 800 words in total.
Presenters in a symposium will have between 15 and 25 minutes, depending on the number of papers. The Chair/Convenor is responsible for introducing and closing the session, managing the use of time within the session, and making sure that there is sufficient time for questions and discussion.
One person cannot submit more than 2 contributions as a Chair/Convenor or as the first author of any contribution to the Conference. However, participants can be co-authors in more than 2 contributions in the Conference. In order to appear in the programme, all the co-authors of any contribution to this conference need to be registered.
Deadline for abstract submission is midnight on December 12th, 2024.
The Coordinating Committee for the conference will provide two types of certificates:
1) Certificate of Attendance: For those fully registered at the ECDV in Barcelona but not presenting any contribution in the scientific programme for the conference and have attended.
2) Certificate of Presentation of Work: For those presenting papers or posters accepted for presentation at the European Conference on Domestic Violence in Barcelona.
Only contributors being fully registered (with the payment of the conference fee complete) and presenting or co-presenting a contribution (oral paper/poster/symposium/workshop) will receive this certificate.
The Conference organizers can not certify the authorship of contributions or the delivery of contributions. This certificate is individual to the registered conference delegate.