ECDV 2025

Maria-Andriani KOSTOPOULOU

Legal consultant and President of GRAVIO. Greece

Dr. Maria-Andriani Kostopoulou has been a member of the GREVIO team at the Council of Europe since April 2019, and was elected President of GREVIO in June 2023. This team of independent experts is responsible for supervising the implementation of the Istanbul Convention by state Parties.

Dr. Kostopoulou works as a legal consultant, providing legal services on human rights issues with an emphasis on women’s and children’s rights.

Dr. Kostopoulou has authored/co-authored around 50 publications on human rights issues, including Council of Europe editions.

She holds a PhD and four Masters’ degrees in international and comparative family law, in International and European Legal Studies, in Civil law, and in Labor law.

In the past Dr. Kostopoulou served as Chairperson of the Steering Committee of the Council of Europe for the Rights of the Child, Chairperson of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Council of Europe for the Rights of the Child and Chairperson of the Council of Europe Group of Experts on Responses to Violence against Children.

She also served as a member of the Greek delegation to the Lanzarote Committee (Committee of the Parties to the Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse) and a member of the Executive Committee of Senior Experts of the European Network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination.

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